
作者:Bart   翻譯:Gabriel Chiang (江鴻漸)

其實加入FormosaFitness之前,我並不常在健身房走動,所以剛開始對於重量訓練的成效我抱持著諸多疑慮,再加上,對於台灣許多健身房的教練課程的素質也不太有信心。(無意冒犯,但這確實是我先前接觸與打聽過後的觀感…) 在四十過半的年紀,我對於背部與臀部的傷痛並不陌生,因此也相當擔心再把自己弄傷。





I'm really enjoying doing weight training and other fitness exercises at Formosa Fitness. I hadn't spent much time in a gym before, so I had a few concerns beforehand about how it might work out. I didn't have very high expectations about the quality of personal training to be found at a Taiwanese gym (no offense...). Also, in my mid-40's and having had my share of back and hip pain, I was pretty nervous about doing myself an injury.

I have been going to the Xindian location for about 6 months now and both these concerns have been well laid to rest. Dave has done a great job in training his trainers, they really know their stuff and go about their work in a professional manner. My PT (Gabriel) takes a lot of trouble to explain everything clearly and make sure I'm doing all the various moves and lifts with correct form. He always hits the sweet spot between (constructive) criticism and encouragement, and seems more concerned than I am that I won't hurt my back!

All the staff always seem available and happy to give you their time as they can, even when you're not having a paid lesson- you never get the feeling FF is interested in your $$$ and not much else. Now that I'm more comfortable with the moves, my weights on the various lifts are going up regularly- it's a lot of fun charting my progress, challenging myself and and breaking my own records regularly!

I've gained huge benefits from the increase in core muscle strength- a big improvement in posture, and the back and hip pain are almost a thing of the past. I'm expecting it'll just keep getting better as time goes by! Formosa Fitness is a well equipped, comfortable and friendly place- if looking for somewhere to better yourself with some serious strength training, you won't be disappointed.

    創作者 福爾摩沙體能中心 的頭像


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